Cosmetic Ink And Laser Tattoo Removal 

In the world of tattoo removal, we typically remove tattoos such as an exes name or tattoos people just haven’t grown too like anymore. We remove large tattoos and even tattoos as small as a little flower on the finger. Many often wonder if tattoo ink is removable, is cosmetic ink? The answer is yes! Cosmetic ink is possible to remove with the right technique and equipment. Cosmetic ink is often used in Micro-bladed eyebrows, a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing. But unlike traditional tattoos, which use a tattoo gun, Microblading uses a blade-shaped tool with a row of tiny, barely visible needles to create hairlike strokes. Cosmetic ink can also be applied with a regular tattoo gun as well. 

Now what’s the difference between cosmetic ink and tattoo ink? Cosmetic tattoo pigments are made up of smaller pigment particles that are suspended in a diluter – this allows for a more natural, softer color in the skin that can be layered to create a much more realistic finish. Traditional tattoo inks are much more concentrated which means that they are much stronger in color.

Is Laser the right choice?  Laser is possible when it comes to removing cosmetic inks, but there can be a catch. Cosmetic ink is not FDA approved, meaning there can be an abundance of metals or minerals that are mixed in with the ink used for your cosmetic tattoo. With the heat and energy form the laser it can cause a chemical reaction with those unknown components better known as oxidization. Meaning your cosmetic tattoo might turn a different color. Rustic orange and a bluish-black are the most common colors the tattoo can turn when it comes to oxidizing.

Is There Hope? Fear not! Oxzidation doesn’t happen all the time, we have seen amazing results when it comes to removing cosmetic ink from eyebrows. We often do a test spot to see how your tattoo will react with the laser. We can normally tell after one treatment if laser is the best route for removing your cosmetic tattoo. 

If laser doest work, what are my other options? If laser unfortunately doest work for you, there is another option. A technique called Saline Tattoo Removal. This method uses a tattoo machine that is applied to the skin using saline over the current tattoo area. The saline used is a hypertonic solution, thus pulling the ink to the skins surface. During the scabbing process after having a treatment done is when the ink starts to expel from the body. Now like laser treatments this process is accomplished over several treatments. The same technique is often used for other permanent makeup as well.


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