Can I Laser My Eyebrows?

Eyebrows are important. They help shape your face, accentuate your eyes, and play a powerful role in communicating with others. The way your eyebrows are shaped can completely change the look of your face. Not everyone is born with perfect brows, so grooming and/or makeup is very common. Microblading and tattooing eyebrows has been increasing in popularity in recent years. 

With the recent boom in popularity, there are a lot of people that have gotten into the business of permanent makeup. Researching and going to a reputable artist is key. Look for good before and afters photos, and photos of the brows after they are healed, and make sure you feel comfortable with communicating with the person prior to getting your eyebrows done.  Having your brows tattooed or micro bladed can be very freeing, and yield long-lasting results.

Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t work out.  Sometimes the shape isn’t quite right, or the final result was envisioned differently.  Sometimes as the brow ages, a different style, shape or color is preferred. If you have eyebrow regret, it IS possible to safely and effectively remove them. 

The process is largely the same, however, we use extra caution and precision than usual. Laser settings vary treatment by treatment based off a few different factors, and typically with lasering on the face we treat more moderately.  We will go over aftercare after the treatment, but some general rules to follow would be:

-Avoid makeup for at least 48 hours

-Ice the area to limit swelling

-Do not exfoliate the area or use products with any active ingredients. Make sure cleansers and moisturizers are gentle and for sensitive skin

-Avoid sun exposure and wear an SPF daily

As far as any pre-care instructions, we recommend not using any exfoliating products and avoiding sun exposure.  Eating healthy, drinking water, and exercising regularly will help the process along. A daily multivitamin or citrulline supplements support circulation so starting those before treatments will help things move faster. 

Typically, eyebrow hair is not affected by the laser. The hair may be singed, but re-growth will not be affected. Some clients opt to shave the area prior to coming in, and in those cases we recommend doing that the day before the treatment, not the day of, as the area might be sensitive.

In most cases, removing eyebrows can take between 2-6 treatments. The colors used, depth of the ink, and density play a role, so every eyebrow will be different. If you are wanting to get them redone, that is absolutely possible to do. We recommend waiting a minimum of 8 weeks before re-tattooing the area. 

As far as pain goes, it is a sensitive area, so some discomfort is to be expected. The laser fires very fast, so most eyebrows usually take just seconds of the actual laser firing at the skin. We will use a Cryo chilling device to help cool the area prior to and during the treatment, making it a lot more comfortable. Numbing cream is also an option, and will dull the pain significantly. 

Afterwards, expect some redness, soreness and swelling, it will feel similar to a sunburn.  The existing hairs may have the pigment zapped out of them, but they will grow back normally. Usually, it only takes a few days to a week to heal from eyebrow removal, and the remaining time in between treatments is when the magic happens and your body will work at removing the ink.  

We are happy to help with lightening, full removal, or just editing a small portion of your eyebrow tattoos. With great technology and experienced laser removal technicians, we will make your removal as easy as possible!


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