Why Fall and Winter Is Great for Tattoo Removal

As long as aftercare is followed, laser tattoo removal is safe to get year round. However, a lot of our clients tend to take the summers off and prefer using the fall and winter months to actively receive treatments. While it is best to get the ball rolling and start tattoo removal treatments sooner rather than later, winter does tend to be the easiest time of the year to recover from the procedure. 

With shorter and chillier days, there is less exposure to the sun. It’s important to avoid or limit your time in the sun for several weeks before and after each treatment to give the skin time to heal. For those that are active in the winter months, we still do recommend sunscreen or protective clothing over any exposed treatment areas. Doing treatments in the fall or winter also allows you to enjoy the summer without worrying about sun exposure as much. 

Following a tattoo removal treatment, it is important to keep your body temperature down. The cooler weather in the fall and winter make it much easier to do so. Prolonged heat exposure in the summer can increase your risk of blistering. It is best to avoid raising your core body temperature for at least 24 to 48 hours after removal. This, with the addition of icing the treatment area, can greatly reduce your risk of blistering.

The tattoo removal process typically isn’t very pretty. Immediately following a treatment, it is very normal to have some redness, swelling, bruising, and sometimes some light bleeding or blistering. Because of wearing more layers of clothing in the cooler winter months, it is much easier to hide a treated area to avoid extra attention being called to it.

Again, tattoo removal is safe any time of the year, just extra precautions have to be taken into account during the summer, and many clients do like to wait until the fall and winter. Our technicians at Vanishing Point will be there with you throughout the entire process, regardless of if you decide to take the summer off or not!  Please call (314)971-5297 with any questions.


How Long Does it Take to Remove a Tattoo?

