How Soon Can I Remove My New Tattoo?

We hate to hear about it, but instant tattoo regret happens very often. Sometimes, the future you envision with your partner doesn’t work out, or a fun night out drinking with friends doesn’t lead to the best decisions being made. Or it can be as simple as the tattoo didn’t quite pan out to what you envisioned, and that is okay. Luckily, the technology exists that you do not have to feel stuck with an unwanted tattoo.

When you receive a tattoo, ink is deposited into the skin at a fast rate, up to 3,000 times per minute. That action of breaking the skin does cause trauma to the area and the skin will need to heal after having hundreds or thousands of punctures with the needle. You will experience bleeding, scabbing, swelling, and sometimes bruising. Your skin will need time to fully heal from the experience.

We recommend waiting a minimum of 90 days, or 3 months, before proceeding with laser treatments. That will give your body enough time to heal the area, and time for the ink to settle and stabilize. By waiting an appropriate amount of time before starting with laser treatments, it significantly reduces the risk of scarring or permanent discoloration to the skin.

The integrity of your skin is very important to us, and while we understand that an unwanted tattoo can be unsightly to look at or cause some anxiety, it is worth it to wait. Our technicians are dedicated to giving you the best possible treatments to safely and effectively remove your unwanted tattoo.


I s the Location of the Tattoo Important?

